We operate exclusively in accordance with Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen 2016 (ADSp 2016) (German Freight Forwarders' General Terms and Conditions 2016). Pursuant to clause 23 of ADSp 2016, liability for loss and damage of goods, which is limited under Section 431 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) to 8.33 Special Drawing Rights per kilogram (SDR/kg), is further limited to EUR 1 million or EUR 2 million or 2 SDR/kg per claim, depending on which is higher; and where multi-modal transport with sea carriage is involved the limit is 2 SDR/kg.
The application of the General German Shipping and Storage Conditions (DTLB) or other Terms and Conditions is excluded. For all (supplementary) logistics services which we supply as service provider (section 2.1 and 2.2 ADSp 2016) that are not covered under the scope of the ADSp, the following shall apply exclusively, unless otherwise agreed in writing: the latest version of the Logistics General Terms and Conditions of the German Freight Forwarding and Logistics Association e.V.